switches & fittings
A special place in today’s living world have faucets and switches. They are among the most stressed items. As an aesthetic design element, they combine with their surrounding architecture to form a coherent and harmonious whole.
Revolutionary technologies, visionary design, lasting value and sustainability are standard today. The demands on surface properties and thus on paint production are correspondingly high.
As a long-standing and strong solution provider for metal and plastic substrates, we breathe new life into old familiar materials and help new types of substrate materials to a lasting existence.
Lasting success – with the Berlac Group
High-quality surface finish for a harmonious living environment.
The Berlac Group consists of high-performance premium manufacturers who are among the market leaders in their respective specialties. Why? Many years of experience, extraordinary professional know-how, the constant pursuit of innovation, individual solutions for each customer, consistent quality control, first-class service and competent advice.